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Steps to christ Essay Example
Steps to christ Essay Logged So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, ay, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10 A1 Full Member posts: 107 R Inlra Quarter2U ss LESSON 12ReTormatlonHeallng Broken Relationships ?Ã « Reply #5 on: september 14, 2013, PM ?Ã » Wally thanks for clearing this up as I was getting a little confused. But I would still like for Ed to clarify his statements as I was not sure what he was referring to. Sunday September 15 Quote This desertion caused Paul to Judge Mark unfavorably, and even severely, for a time. We will write a custom essay sample on Steps to christ specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Steps to christ specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Steps to christ specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Barnabas, on the other hand, was inclined to excuse him because of his inexperience. He felt anxious that Mark should not abandon the ministry, for he saw in him qualifications that would fit him to be a useful worker for Christ. -Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 170. Acts 1 5:39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus; This is a difficult situation because the discussion had to do with taking Mark with them on their mission trip. As it had been noted Paul has sthrong feelings about his position and so did Barnabas. Under these circumstances it seemed as if there was o other way except for the men to separate. Ccould this situation be taken care of without the sharp contention? On the bottom of Sabbaths lesson we are reminded By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another Oohn 13:35, NKJV). Without this love, all our talk about revival and reformation will come to naught. Christians at home and at church sometimes display sthrong ideas ( both parties think they are right) about certain things and it very often can lead to sharp contention and if allowed to continue to separation. While conflict of itself is not sin the attitudes in hich we handle conflict can be sinful. How can we handle situations dealing with disagreement so that we can give glory to God? Latter Paul reaches out to Mark healing the relationship. The ministry of reconciliation is about bringing about healing and right relationships. The word reconcile mearns to change mutually or to compound a difference or to receive into favour. How can we compound a difference? Do we love only those who agree with Sundays Questions How can we learn to forgive those who have hurt or disappointed us? At the same time, why does forgiveness not always include a complete restoration of a previous elatlonsnlp? wny does It not always need These are very good questions in Mark 18:21 Peter is asking Christ about how many times he should forgive someone. Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? ill seven times? What was Christs reply? Logged Jesus looked upon the distressed and heart burdened, those whose hopes were blighted, and who with earthly Joys were seeking to quiet the longing of the soul, and He invited all to find rest in Him. {DA 328. 3} Mimi Assistant Administrator posts: 26875 www. remnant-online. org Relationships ?Ã « Reply on: september 14, 2013, PM ?Ã » It is in Matthew. Matthewl 8:22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. Our fallen nature wants to rear up when we have sharp differences with the brethren. This is where the fruit of the Spirit comes in. In Christ, we have them and we deal with the brethren in a very different manner than if we Just want to win the argument and let our fallen natures have sway. And I can tell you, separation is quite necessary in many circumstances until these differences can be mended. Once upon a time a saint had the audacity to tell me I was not converted. Excuse e? What do you mean, I am not converted? Of course, Im converted! Well, apparently I was not acting in a manner of a converted person that day. My attitude was not consistent with the fruit of the Spirit. I stayed away from that person for quite some time. After much studying and heart searching, it dawned upon me that pride had blinded me to a bad attitude prevalent in the unconverted, so I repented and was reconverted and healed my relationship with the saint and thanked them for their painful, yet necessary rebuke. All relatlonsnlps are Important, out tnose witn tne salnts are especlally Important. They love us enough to tell us the truth. Logged Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23, 24 Richard Myers Servant posts: 33532 A glorious sunset teaches of trust and faith. Relationships ?Ã « Reply #7 on: september 14, 2013, PM ?Ã » Amen, Mimi! Oh, that all would be faithful with me. That happened today and I am so very thankful. I was in a wrong position with God and man, and one was so very wise in telling me so. The reproach I brought upon Jesus is something that I am so very sorry for. But, the Laodicean who refuses to acknowledge his sin, retains his sin and continues to bring reproach upon Christ, His church, and the truth. The Bible is true. Sadly too many who profess to believe it, reject it so very often. He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot. Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give instruction toa wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a Just man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:7-9. How is it today with you? Do you hate being taught? Do you hate being reproved? Does pride stand in the way of admitting error, a mistake, or sin? If so, the answer which is always the same is Jesus. Not a profession of faith, but the real abiding presence of Jesus in the heart. That is what the call for revival and reformation is all about, a new life in Christ Jesus. That is what this quarters lesson is all about. We need to see our need of Jesus to do any good thing. Without Jesus abiding in the heart we are what Paul describes in Romans seven. Either we believe we are alive because the commandment has not come home to our hearts or we are dead in respasses and sins attempting to keep the law without our Saviors help. Logged Im going home SOON, come along!! igina posts: 220 12ReTormatlonHeallng Broken Relationships ?Ã « Reply on: september 15, 2013, AM ?Ã » The nature out God does not condone sin. for it seeks out sin and devours it. Yet merciful Christ always seeks to reconcile created beings with the Father. He tried it with satan but in vain. And now He is doing it with us. He shows us how to do it by taking our very own body! We of the temple of God are building blocks f itting into the different facets therefore are different in all ways except the bond that binds us! In these differences we may err, cause others to err or others err against us. e may hurt or be hurt. The one thing we must learn to do is accept our positions. There are those gifted in resolving conflict, there are mentors in our midst, there are those who are able to nourish us with such good counsel! We should recognize all these in us and use them. To pastor Finleys question on Friday on what is ailing the church today it is Love! there is no Lob in the church that selfless love of Christ is not there in me and you! Whether in a big way or a small way we need to express this love. and nless we do revival well be far from us reformation will be but a Magee! There is no end to discovering this Love it is infinite we can never fully give it. But if we applied ourselves to giving even the smallest measure of this Love the world will know the one to whom we render service Logged A glorious sunset teaches of trust and faith.. Relationships ?Ã « Reply on: september 15, 2013, PM ?Ã » Amen, wigina. But, we have not this love to give. It is good to try and love your enemy, for it is a lesson in the impossible. There is only one way we can have this true love for those who despitefully use us. It is the evidence of true conversion. It is only when we are fully surrendered and self is hidden in Christ, that we have this love for others. Romans seven is the experience of all who are not in a converted state who know they cannot keep the law of God, but must to enter heaven. And. it is not salvation by works by any mearns. Keeping the law of God earns nothings. It is the fruit of salvation, not a mearns of salvation. Good fruit comes from a good tree. We are not good trees in and of ourselves. We need to die to self and become partakers of the divine nature that we may have the mind of Christ. Then, we can love as Jesus oves. It is Christ not l. When Moses near the end of his life struck the Rock, he did not have this love we speak of. No, he hated those for whom Christ died. He was angry with them. He was prlaeTul. Wltnout tnls love, we are none 0T HIS. we must De re-convertea IT we naa ever truly been converted in the past. Moses had been. He had been faithful in all of the house of the Lord. So, he understood his need of Jesus to do any good thing. He had let his mind wander away from Jesus. And, when the Spirit of God reached him, and the still small voice revealed his condemnation, it was a habit of Moses to turn to Christ. His repentance was quick and deep. When we sin, and are convicted that we have, what is our response? Do we do as did Moses? Do we fall on our faces and acknowledge our sin, or do we make excuses and think we are not under condemnation? That we may sin and escape condemnation? The wages of sin is what it always has been, death. The only way to be forgiven our sins, is to repent of our sins. And we do not have this repentance until we return to Christ. It is His grace that leads us to repentance. After almost 170 years, you would think that this gospel of grace would be well understood in the church. But, then if after almost 2,000 years the Jews had so perverted the gospel that they put to death the Son of God, why would we think we would be less prone to forget what great things God has done for us? The angels in heaven wonder at our dullness and I am sure they are surprised that any of us could be saved. But, they never tire of encouraging us to flee to Jesus. And, when one of us poor mortals does indeed cease resisting the love of our Savior, all heaven stops to rejoice. We deny Jesus His reward for all of His suffering when we sin. If we would think about that, it would encourage us to hasten to Christ the next time we sin. Or, even better, it may encourage us all to fall at the foot of cross so that we do not openly crucify our Savior again. It would be good to spend a thoughtful hour a day contemplating this great love whereby we are converted. Logged Philemon Had always wondered about the book of Philemon! Until the weeks ago I read it again and again! Many of us are employers for we at one time employ Nannies, farm hands and various other workers to do what are consideredodd Jobs what is your relationship with these people? Jesus went to them! Do we neglect them? Do we share with them? WE Need to reexamine these relationships betweenMaster and ervant at whatever level for this is part of or object lesson in the love of Christ. Angels are always ready to do Christs bidding why? is it because h He is their Master? R n Myers lc ara Relationships ?Ã « Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 11:26:38 AM ?Ã » Good point, wigina. Christ came to this Earth as an unwearied Servant of man. Ought we to emulate Him? Yes, wigina, the Lord of the universe is their Master. The question be answered is why do they choose Him as Master? I wonder if what Jesus did down here on this Earth has anything to do with their decision to serve Him as Master? Logged Relationships ?Ã « Reply on: september 16, 2013, 03:01 PM ?Ã » I Wonder too! I also wonder what Jesus was able to do for then when they were in the constant spotlight of the accuser!? They will tell us shortly! I certainly plan to ask or maybe I wont ask it will be shown me without asking and I will simply worship and adore!! Logged Iuliusnyar Regular Member Posts: 14 Relationships ?Ã « Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 11:1 1 AM ?Ã » Thanks a lot for the comments so far in this week lesson we are getting blessed. Jesus while being nailed on the cross said that God forgive them for they know not what they are doing. When we deserved to die eternally Jesus offered to die on our behalf to redeem us. We can only fforgive those who wrong us if Gods Holy Spirit dwells in us. lf possible please Richard postthe full lesson for this week for it helps me a lot as I prepare Tor tne class I teacn every sa Loggea Relationships ?Ã « Reply on: september 19, 2013, PM ?Ã » Sorry to get behind Julius, but am sitting in the ICU with my son. I will try to do some of the lessons tonight. Your prayers are appreciated. Logged Re: Third Quarter2013SDA SS LESSON 12ReformanonHealtng Broken SABBATH AFTERNOON Read for This weeks study: 2 Tim. M 1, Philem. 1:1-25, 2 cor. 10:12-15, Rom. 5+11, Matt. 18:15-17. Memory Text: For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:10, NKJV). Even after Pentecost, the relationship between believers was at times strained. The New Testament records rrepeated examples of the way that church leaders and individual members dealt with such challenges. These principles are extremely valuable for the church today. They reveal the positive results that can come when we use biblical principles to deal with conflicts. In this weeks lesson we will focus on restored relationships. Great spiritual revivals In tne past Tosterea nealea relatlonsnlps. Movements 0T tne Holy splrlt Involve bringing people closer to God and to one another. They include breaking down the barriers in our relationship with God and breaking down barriers in our relationships with one another. In short, the greatest demonstration of the power of the gospel is not necessarily what the church says but how the church lives . y this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another Oohn And why is this so? Because without this love, there is no conversion. The good works seen in the Christians life does not save the sinner, it is a revelation that he is in a saved or converted condition. When a man is born of the Spirit, he has the Spirit in his heart. Therefore, he is a new creature in Christ Jesus, and all of the fruits of His Spirit are seen in the life, not one is missing. If there is a need for revival, then there is a need for conversion. No love, no conversion. No conversion, no revival. Logged Relationships ?Ã «Reply on: september 19, 2013, PM ?Ã » We will pray for your son our God is the greatest physician I believe he will get him ut of ICU.
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